Tomorrow’s Children


bryce_08_2010_099Today’s Lenten poem from Education for Justice is by Rubem Alves.

Tomorrow’s Children

What is hope?
It is a presentiment that imagination is more real
and reality less real than it looks.
It is a hunch
that the overwhelming brutality of facts
that oppress and repress is not the last word.
It is a suspicion
that reality is more complex
than realism wants us to believe
and that the frontiers of the possible
are not determined by the limits of the actual
and that in a miraculous and unexpected way
life is preparing the creative events
which will open the way to freedom and resurrection….
The two, suffering and hope, live from each other.
Suffering without hope
produces resentment and despair,
hope without suffering
creates illusions, naivete, and drunkenness….
Let us plant dates
even though those who plant them will never eat them.
We must live by the love of…

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